Organizations seeking funding should be a local civic, charitable, or non-profit organization and/or a Current Employer Partner that have a specific focus in promoting one or more of the following areas:
Health, wellness, and improved quality of life
Financial literacy and quality education
Scholarship and leadership for children or young adults
All requests must be for organizations that serve a county in West Tennessee.
Leaders CU will not fund:
Any group which is not qualified as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (Proof will be required.)
Requests submitted on behalf of groups or individuals seeking sponsorship for contests, pageants, trips, conventions; lobbying, partisan, religious, etc.
Organizations that discriminate based on race, religion, etc.
Request for individuals
Requests that do not meet the response requirement.
Due to the volume of requests, please allow 45 days to receive a response. Inquiries needing an immediate decision will not be considered. All responses will be communicated by email to the address provided on the application. Requests are limited to once per calendar year. Past support is not a guarantee of future funding. Denial of qualified organizations is not a judgment on the worthiness of the requestor, but due to limited funding.
Questions regarding the application process should be directed to